ファーストステップは、キリスト教のメッセージの基礎について紹介する5部構成の学びです。この教材は一人で学ぶこともできますが、ファーストステップをグループで学ぶことをお勧めします。私たちはこの学びを皆さんと一緒に歩んでいきたいと思っています! この教材を一緒に勉強したい方はご連絡ください。
First Steps is a 5 part study introducing the basics of the Christian message from the Bible. Though you can study this material on your own it is recommended that you study First Steps with a group. We would love to walk through this study with you! Please contact us if you would like to study this material together.
If you are a Christian, please use this study with someone in your life who does not know Jesus! You are also welcome to bring someone with you to our Sunday gatherings to walk through the class with us together.
Chinese and English version here.